About BCFA

Bahamas China Friendship Association
The Bahamas China Friendship Association (BCFA) was formed in 2004 with the goal of promoting cultural understanding and economic opportunities between the peoples of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, and the People’s Republic of China.

The BCFA is also a member of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), one of the major foreign affairs organizations of the People’s Republic of China that was established in 1954 to promote friendship and understanding between the Chinese people and foreign nations.

The specific core objectives of the Bahamas China Friendship Association are:


foster and encourage good relationship, goodwill and people-to-people contact between the people of The Bahamas and the people of China and to AFFORD them the means of and opportunity for social intercourse, mutual helpfulness and assistance, moral improvement, friendly collaboration, and rational recreation.


relief and assistance to the people of The Bahamas in anyway whatsoever and especially in cases of emergency and likewise, to make donations to the people of China from time to time in respect of relief or social enhancement.


good understanding of the cultures of the people of The Bahamas and China through cultural exchanges and to facilitate the study of the language, culture, and history of both countries


economic and trade opportunities through entrepreneurial development and participation in trade fairs and investment tours


in the improvement of the general social, economic, spiritual, and material welfare of the peoples of The Bahamas and China

Our Executives

Bahamas China Friendship Association

Dr. Donovan Moxey, PhD


Charlyne Sealy

Vice President

Lloyd Wong


Sherrell Storr


Tyler Symonette

Public Relations

Bahamas China Friendship Association

Kion Horton

Assistant Secretary

Travis Collins

Assistant Treasurer

Philip Simon


Gershan Major


Anthony Capron


BCFA History

Bahamas China Friendship Association
The Bahamas China Friendship Association was started September 29, 2004, seven years after formal diplomatic relations were established between The Commonwealth of The Bahamas and the People’s Republic of China by Prime Minister Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham in 1997. The organization’s founding members were;

Joseph Curry


Sir. Arthur Foulkes

Vice President

Philip Simon


Anthony McKinney


Marlon Johnson

Assistant Treasurer

Public Relations

Anthony Capron

Brian Wong


Lowell Mortimer


Carey Leonard


Our Initiatives

Bahamas China Friendship Association
Given the organization’s founding objectives to promote cultural, education, and
commercial opportunities between The Bahamas and Chine,
the BCFA has established five core initiatives that it will undertake to further its core objectives.


Bahamas China Friendship Association


Social Media

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Become a Member

Bahamas China Friendship Association

    Trade Mission SignUp Form

    Bahamas China Friendship Association

    Please complete and submit the form if you are interested in joining the BCFA on our Trade Mission to YiWu China, October 11th to 27th 2024.
    We are limiting the number of participants to 50, and BCFA Members will have first preference. We welcome new members to the BCFA.

      Trade Mission - Yiwu Commodities Market

      Bahamas China Friendship Association

      The Bahamas China Friendship Association is leading a delegation of its members to Yiwu China to attend the Yiwu Commodities Market scheduled for October 11th to the 27th, 2024.

      There are five (5) commercial districts in Yiwu with over 75,000 stores and more than 500,000 products available to buyers from all over the world. The Yiwu market is ideal for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) that are looking to start their businesses by sourcing manageable quantities of goods from various manufacturers and then growing their import volumes over time.
      Please download the Trade Mission Itinerary and brochure to learn more details about the trip.

      Our Corporate Members & Partners

      Bahamas China Friendship Association


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